How to photograph your item for sale

A fantastic photograph can significantly impact how quickly your item sells online. To help you achieve those perfect shots, here are some essential tips:

1. Lighting is Crucial

  • Natural light is your best friend; avoid taking photos at night or in poorly lit rooms.
  • Steer clear of using a flash to prevent harsh shadows.
  • Be mindful of any unwanted shadows in your photos.
  • Consider using a light filter or gently increasing the brightness on your phone's camera settings.

2. Size Matters

  • Adjust your camera focus to 1:1; square images are preferred on our website.
  • Ensure your images are no larger than 1000 x 1000 pixels, with 800 x 800 pixels being the ideal size.
  • Keep image file sizes below 500 KB to maintain website speed.

3. Choose the Right Background

  • Opt for plain and simple backgrounds to make your item stand out.
  • Place your item on a plain duvet cover, rug, or wooden floor.
  • Utilise a neutral backdrop such as a plain wall, garage door, or brick wall.
  • Avoid using dark or cluttered backgrounds, as they can distract from your item.
  • When using mirrors, double-check what's reflected in them to maintain focus on your item.

4. Pay Attention to Details

  • Ensure that your main featured image provides a comprehensive view of your item for sale.
  • Get creative with angles and perspectives to showcase your item's unique features.
  • Include close-up shots highlighting any special details or characteristics.
  • Capture images of any wear and tear, emphasizing transparency with potential buyers.
  • Experiment with different angles and consider using flat-lay photography techniques, which can be especially effective.

By following these tips and paying attention to detail, you'll enhance the visual appeal of your listings, attract more potential buyers, and increase your chances of a successful sale. Happy photographing!